When you spray aluminium oxide in geoengineering programm you cant controll his reactive propieties 100%. Today we will speak more about how people from fire zones can boost the nature to regenerate life in short time and begin to move saved animals back in there habitat.
First all mast understand one thing: money or government will not help here or in future. Is just the power of nature and the magic of biochemy. Basic all people from community mast work like one perfect system to put on minim the danger and reboost the nature to cover up the scarce of the fire. The youngs one will love this project and will do the best of them to put back what the fire taked.
The reborning of nature mast be helped by boosting her powers whit her own meds.All activists,kids or people can do this united on mass scale in all affected areas.
1.To make this biomass carpet what is like one pansament for burned earth you need one shreder maschine for wood and put in all burned wood what you find in your area. The wood chips from furnitures or burned wood spred over burned area in way to cover up the soil like 2-3 cm. Be generos whit spreding this biomass wood chips.
2.Bring all compost food what you have around area. Own biogarbage,food from stores what cant be sold or was affected by fire or heat,biomass green from grownd.All food or garden veggies what cant be eaten will be good for this too.
3.Blend all in one big biomass shake.For blending people will use same metods like mixing ciment.After mixing spred the biomass shake over the wood chips carpets in affected area.
4.Spred much water over all area to force the biomass shake to go in soil betwin wooden chips carpet. Use much water for the soil is burned and will be like one stone hard in some places.
5.Each day make this simple procces whit out using industrial chemical growning products to boost the repopulation of soil whit the microbs esentials for soil. Optional whit biomass shake can be spreded the grass seeds too .
After 30 days you will begin to see the resultats of your work and the green life reinstalled in burned areas. Betwin 30 and 90 days the soil mast be let and helped in this simple way to have nutrients importants for growing and life of big plants and trees. We recommand after 100 days to begin the planting of big vegetation and continued whit this system of recicled compost in your community whit out giving that to the government to sell back to you for profit.
For more understanding of biochemy and the BIOENGENEERING ATT HOME please look in our BOOKS PDF free category of the site. Download them and read more to be prepeared and invent new metods to save the nature. We will update more this post if we see wird things gowing on Australia affected areas.
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