Saturday, January 11, 2020


AWLC Laboratory
Protein and Minerals for Plants
We know basic to see what is good or bad in our food after we compare the taste,color,mass or form on our veggies or fructs, meat or bred but just some people understand exacly how to benefit from composting the food in best way. Most of the time we understand and see others how to compost leafs in there gardens or tree brances.Your left overs from table are in fact the protein and mineral source for your garden. No need to add more chimicals or special laboratory coctails to grow fast your plants from home and garden. In homes the pet plants are basic in poor soil in there containers. The left overs from house like veggies peals,fructs , egg shales or parts from your food source what you throw away day by day can be the best source for nutrients for your plants in homes and garden. The Compost meens to make one rich soil from biologic material from your garden but one day on your saturday or sunday you can inrich your plants soil whit Nutritive Protein and minerals shaike from left overs of your day. Just mix in one low cost mixer ownd or buiet whit second hand use ,all yours biologic food left overs and put this milkshaike on the roots of your home plants or spred that in your garden. You can store this left overs in jars of 2000ml minim and fill whit water in the momment of mixing. Most of the time after 15 days or les you can see the diference betwin what you havt first time and the new plants what you will have after this treatment. Growing more fast in one rich nutritive soil you will benefit of more oxigen in your house plus more clean and parfumated air of that place. The surplus of this nutritive shaike you can spred over soil of one tree in parks or over some corner in your garden. Important is to not throw away on the garbage can your biodergradable left overs. Indiferent what you have in heands in that momment from meat or veggies are good for that shake. In short time your garden or home pet plants will show you results of your work. We do not recommand to use chimicals to poison your soil and kill the plants whit the laboratory cocktails.Keep the biomass in one jar whit water after you mix in blender. The keeping time can exid 10 days or more.
Nutritive Biomass
Biomass Shake
This little care over plants and veggies garden will give you more good things and maybe will save money if you do that constant.Stay wise and healthy.
Tips for People from Australia
Spred this kind of compost shake over burned zones and you can help the nature to boost plants growing rate back to normal.Many trees or plants are burned but not dead and mixing dead biomass from surface of soil whit this shake the mother nature will grow faster back to normal.In maxim 30 days will begin regenerate all life on earth if each individ help in this way the nature to regenerate her powers.

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