Friday, January 10, 2020


Cannabis Oil
Fighting man made cancer is hard and not many meds from Big Pharma treat efficient this change in human cells of our body. Today we will present one of the best recept to do at home in Laboratory way to have benefit of the best THC in your oil. Are many recepts on internet but we try to pic one of the best conform our experiments and logic people what help other sick people to bring back there health. The best THC oil is one what have more then 60% of THC in and making at home plus using best parts of the plant material you can acive this procent easy for home nobody combinate the oil whit something else. Need some little investment what will bring profit in time if you use that corect on your chicken. Please be patient and work in totall clean place and use items what are cleaned. We will update this post whit all what you need to use in that process and are graded like laboratory use items. Helping people to understand what is THC Oil and how to be used is more beter then Big Pharma Laboratory Drogs what have no effect or just keep you going on whit out improve your condition or heal your problem.
Concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as Cannabis oilsbecause of their sticky and viscous appearance, are becoming increasingly popular among self-medicating patients as a claimed cure for cancer. In general, preparation methods for Cannabis oils are relatively simple and do not re-quire particular instruments. The most well-known example of such a product is called ‘Simpson oil’. The purpose of the extraction, often followed by a solvent evaporation step, is to make canna-binoids and other beneficial components such as terpenes available in a highly concentrated form. Although various preparation methods have been recommended for Cannabis oils, so far no stud-ies have reported on the chemical composition of such products.Recognizing the need for more information on quality and safety issues regarding Cannabis oils, an analytical study was performed to compare several generally used preparation methods on the basis of content of cannabinoids, terpenes, and residual solvent components. Solvents usedinclude ethanol, naphtha, petroleum ether, and olive oil. The obtained results are not intended to support or deny the therapeutic properties of these products, but may be useful for better understanding the experiences of self-medicating patients throughchemical analysis of this popular medicine.

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