Sunday, February 16, 2020

Permanent Sand Or Silt Slides Mounting For Geology Collections

AWLC Laboratory
Sand/Silt Collection
One big interes in geology collection of amator people around the world is the Sand. Many ways to colect this item alredy are on internet like jars,test tubes,vaccine jars and more. To have one memmory of the vacantions or just from pur curiosity is verry good and make you have one large archive of your knolowge.
But... is one... most of youtube or internet archives teach you how to presearve and save rocks whit Geoform tehnic what is not in all houses. Today we will present one form of mounting in home whit low or zero cost and save space.
In geology is much work and patience exact like in biology laboratory. To cut the rocks for mounting on slides and the time to slip to the tiny nanomimmeters is hard for many. The sand is easy to save and study plus will be one nice addition of your home design. Always over the world beaches are many tipe of sands but home you need one big place or new furniture to acommodate your collection. We will present today one method simple and low cost tosave space and money whit your sand colection.
You need : microscope glass slides , clear nail polish, sand , microscope slides box or one shoe box.
Clean your microscope slides whit water and liquid soap ,dry the slide whit one cloth towell not papper ,strain your sand to the silt form for you will use just the fin part of the sand for your slide, put the clear nail polish on the slide in what form you whant to have your collection ,be generos whit your clear nail polish, sprinkle the silt over the nail polish and press little to go in nail polish , let one minute alone to dry little on air, turn on back side the glass slide for the excces of silt to go down from slide,put back up the slide and let dry cca 30 min. You will have one slide like this:
Do not put nail polish or mount medium over sand sample for will create many air bobbles what you cant take out. We do not recommand to put one cover glass over sample but if you whant use the large one and mount just on ages of cover glass not in . Put the slide after all is dry in the box whit the sample head up and store them on book shelfs.
Magnetic Sand/Silt
The sand what stay out from slide can be used whit all your sample to find magnetic parts of grain in your sand to create one new slide whit magnetic sand. To do that you mast use one magnet or 3-4 mini ones like in this picture:
After you pic up from your silt sample iron ore and magnetic cristals you mast repeat the procedure fron the first slide but now you will put on mounting medium the magnetic sand what you finded in your sample. The rest of your sand you can save in one yest petri dish 55 mm or jar.
Under one loupe or stereo microscope ( works biologic one too up to 400x )you can study the sample and see what kind of sand you have in your collection.
We hope to be one good advice and solution over your collection and keep the clean room like one real laboratory. If you mount the sand on glass slides ,you will need to put in your box one little black paper to use if your microscope do not have black side for samples.
Stay healty and wise!

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat. Viruses may be viewed as mobile genetic elements, most probably of cellular origin and characterized by a long co-evolution of virus and host. For propagation viruses depend on specialized host cells supplying the complex metabolic and biosynthetic machinery of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells. A complete virus particle is called a virion. The main function of the virion is to deliver its DNA or RNA genome into the host cell so that the genome can be expressed (transcribed and translated) by the host cell. The viral genome, often with associated basic proteins, is packaged inside a symmetric protein capsid. The nucleic acid-associated protein, called nucleoprotein, together with the genome, forms the nucleocapsid. In enveloped viruses, the nucleocapsid is surrounded by a lipid bilayer derived from the modified host cell membrane and studded with an outer layer of virus envelope glycoproteins.
In Depopulation Programm of Agenda 21 aka 2030 or 2050 the "Outbrackes" of many viruses on world are designed just to maintain the fear in the people and install laws and rolls what will supres your freedome of speach or movment. Our mother nature do not make viruses and this bio-tech designs are made by humans in Laboratory for Agenda 21 use.
Viruses are grouped on the basis of size and shape, chemical composition and structure of the genome, and mode of replication. Helical morphology is seen in nucleocapsids of many filamentous and pleomorphic viruses. Helical nucleocapsids consist of a helical array of capsid proteins (protomers) wrapped around a helical filament of nucleic acid. Icosahedral morphology is characteristic of the nucleocapsids of many "spherical" viruses. The number and arrangement of the capsomeres (morphologic subunits of the icosahedron) are useful in identification and classification. Many viruses also have an outer envelope.The genome of a virus may consist of DNA or RNA, which may be single stranded (ss) or double stranded (ds), linear or circular. The entire genome may occupy either one nucleic acid molecule (monopartite genome) or several nucleic acid segments (multipartite genome). The different types of genome necessitate different replication strategies.
Viruses are inert outside the host cell. Small viruses, e.g., polio and tobacco mosaic virus, can even be crystallized. Viruses are unable to generate energy. As obligate intracellular parasites, during replication, they fully depend on the complicated biochemical machinery of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells. The main purpose of a virus is to deliver its genome into the host cell to allow its expression (transcription and translation) by the host cell. A fully assembled infectious virus is called a virion. The simplest virions consist of two basic components: nucleic acid (single- or double-stranded RNA or DNA) and a protein coat, the capsid, which functions as a shell to protect the viral genome from nucleases and which during infection attaches the virion to specific receptors exposed on the prospective host cell. Capsid proteins are coded for by the virus genome. Because of its limited size (Table 41-1) the genome codes for only a few structural proteins (besides non-structural regulatory proteins involved in virus replication). Capsids are formed as single or double protein shells and consist of only one or a few structural protein species. Therefore, multiple protein copies must self assemble to form the continuous three-dimensional capsid structure. Self assembly of virus capsids follows two basic patterns: helical symmetry, in which the protein subunits and the nucleic acid are arranged in a helix, and icosahedral symmetry, in which the protein subunits assemble into a symmetric shell that covers the nucleic acid-containing core.
Some virus families have an additional covering, called the envelope, which is usually derived in part from modified host cell membranes. Viral envelopes consist of a lipid bilayer that closely surrounds a shell of virus-encoded membrane-associated proteins. The exterior of the bilayer is studded with virus-coded, glycosylated (trans-) membrane proteins. Therefore, enveloped viruses often exhibit a fringe of glycoprotein spikes or knobs, also called peplomers. In viruses that acquire their envelope by budding through the plasma or another intracellular cell membrane, the lipid composition of the viral envelope closely reflects that of the particular host membrane. The outer capsid and the envelope proteins of viruses are glycosylated and important in determining the host range and antigenic composition of the virion. In addition to virus-specified envelope proteins, budding viruses carry also certain host cell proteins as integral constituents of the viral envelope. Virus envelopes can be considered an additional protective coat. Larger viruses often have a complex architecture consisting of both helical and isometric symmetries confined to different structural components. Small viruses, e.g., hepatitis B virus or the members of the picornavirus or parvovirus family, are orders of magnitude more resistant than are the larger complex viruses, e.g. members of the herpes or retrovirus families.Viruses are classified on the basis of morphology, chemical composition, and mode of replication. The viruses that infect humans are currently grouped into 21 families, reflecting only a small part of the spectrum of the multitude of different viruses whose host ranges extend from vertebrates to protozoa and from plants and fungi to bacteria.
Is wise and logic to begin to push,press and put Qs to all structures from health departments about viruses born places and patents,how the viruses travel in diferit countrys from N to S of Earth and how spreding is made by CIA agents.STAY WISE and HEALTHY!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


AWLC Laboratory
Coronavirus is one lab created virus from 2015 whit design from 2003. We wandred how the virus hope over borders from China direct in USA. Logic after research in archives or internet we finded the truth over USA: The virus dont came from China but is rised and spred from inom borders by CIA. China imported this virus from CIA maybe one gift to start mass Vaccination. The father of this Virus is CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ). What is not logic is this: The outbrake have like weecks and alredy USA have in work one Vaccine for this "new" virus. :) We begin to leaf hard when we see so much stupid bull shit what came from Deep State agents for nothing is logic in there moves and all there actions have IQ of one goldfish. In patent you wll find alredy one vaccine for this "new" form of SARS. The patent have 72 pages and we will let you to judge the truth over this "ENORM OUTBRACKE" . Pease download the patent first and read all after inan the DEEP STATE GOLDFISH AGENTS to delete that. Stay wise and healthy!

Monday, January 20, 2020


AWLC Laboratory
Carbon dioxide is ubiquitous and plays a central role both in the world like it is and living organisms. It is unique among gases in distributing itself almost equally,in consentration per unit volume,betwieen air and water at ordinary temperatures.Like salt is one self stabil element on earth, basic component of our planet.
Hence it is undergoing perpetual exchange between atmosphere and waters of the world and between living organism and its surroundings. It is unusual,though not unique, in being reversibly hydrated to form an acid,carbonic acid ( H2CO3 ), in process which is not instantaneous but requires mesurable time. Carbon dioxide is the great source of organic compounds in photosynthesis what produce oxigen vital to all life on earth. The combination of the acidity and bufferin power of Carbonic Acid whit the volatility of Carbon dioxide provides one mechanism of unrivaled efficiency for maintaining constancy of PH in systems which are constantly being supplied,as living organisms are , whit acidic products of metabolism.
One human can produce one kilogram or more of metabolic carbon dioxide in one day.
Many Deep State "researchers" speak about Global Worming effect of this noble gass but nobody explain the diference betwin Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. All industry what use coal or oil emit most Carbon monoxide what is toxic for life on earth. In many times we see the asociations of Carbon Dioxide whit Carbon monoxide just to blame first for the effects of the second one. The normal people dont understand exacly the diferences betwin this 2 compounds and logic take like real news the fake promoted ones by lobbysts of old resources Industry. On our planet basic all compounds on earth sky or water have and depend to survive ,of Carbon Dioxide. NO CARBON DIOXIDE - NO LIFE ON EARTH. The industry emite Carbon monoxide and that have one green house effect over the town or that zone. We see many people moved in towns by one elaborate DEEP STATE plan to depopulate countrys sides and keep people in one reduce area to the best controll effect over them and there lifes. Basic the nature dont have problems whit Carbon Dioxide and his perpetum mobile process of keeping the earth atmosphere balance. Keep you informate and research the truth of history ( Real one ) to not make errors what will cost maybe the lifes of the future generations just for your confort and ignorance to the media lies and greed of Industry bosses for there own profit.

Monday, January 13, 2020


When you spray aluminium oxide in geoengineering programm you cant controll his reactive propieties 100%. Today we will speak more about how people from fire zones can boost the nature to regenerate life in short time and begin to move saved animals back in there habitat.
First all mast understand one thing: money or government will not help here or in future. Is just the power of nature and the magic of biochemy. Basic all people from community mast work like one perfect system to put on minim the danger and reboost the nature to cover up the scarce of the fire. The youngs one will love this project and will do the best of them to put back what the fire taked.
The reborning of nature mast be helped by boosting her powers whit her own meds.All activists,kids or people can do this united on mass scale in all affected areas.
1.To make this biomass carpet what is like one pansament for burned earth you need one shreder maschine for wood and put in all burned wood what you find in your area. The wood chips from furnitures or burned wood spred over burned area in way to cover up the soil like 2-3 cm. Be generos whit spreding this biomass wood chips.
2.Bring all compost food what you have around area. Own biogarbage,food from stores what cant be sold or was affected by fire or heat,biomass green from grownd.All food or garden veggies what cant be eaten will be good for this too.
3.Blend all in one big biomass shake.For blending people will use same metods like mixing ciment.After mixing spred the biomass shake over the wood chips carpets in affected area.
4.Spred much water over all area to force the biomass shake to go in soil betwin wooden chips carpet. Use much water for the soil is burned and will be like one stone hard in some places.
5.Each day make this simple procces whit out using industrial chemical growning products to boost the repopulation of soil whit the microbs esentials for soil. Optional whit biomass shake can be spreded the grass seeds too .
After 30 days you will begin to see the resultats of your work and the green life reinstalled in burned areas. Betwin 30 and 90 days the soil mast be let and helped in this simple way to have nutrients importants for growing and life of big plants and trees. We recommand after 100 days to begin the planting of big vegetation and continued whit this system of recicled compost in your community whit out giving that to the government to sell back to you for profit.
For more understanding of biochemy and the BIOENGENEERING ATT HOME please look in our BOOKS PDF free category of the site. Download them and read more to be prepeared and invent new metods to save the nature. We will update more this post if we see wird things gowing on Australia affected areas.
Thank you for you time!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.This invention is a system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another using a pulsed gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace.
The basis for this invention is an event, referring to FIG. 1, occurring on May 2, 2004, in which the inventor (“he”) personally experienced a full-body teleportation while walking to the bus stop (A) along a road (B) that runs perpendicular to the nearby commercial airport runways where planes are landing. There is a wide iron grating (D) for water drainage that crosses the road at the center of the bus stop. The grating width is such that one has to make a concerted effort to jump across it in order to get from one side to the other. Approximately 50 meters from the iron grating, he (E) felt a vertical wave (F), similar to a flag waving in the breeze, traveling down the street toward the bus stop. The wave velocity was about 1 meter per second, which was slightly faster than his walking speed. In the next instance, he (G) found himself down the street near the corner of the next block. Realizing that he had passed the bus stop, he turned around to see the iron grating approximately 50 meters up the street in back of him. Because there was no recollection of having jumped across the iron grating nor of having passed the bus stop's yellow marker line, he realized that he had been teleported a distance of 100 meters while moving along with the traveling wave. It was obvious that the wave was pulsed because the front edge overtook the inventor, moved with him momentarily, and then the back edge of wave left him as it moved on down the street. While contemplating this sequence of events, he then looked up and saw in a span of a few seconds a twin-turboprop airplane (C) in the distance crossing above the road while making a shallow descent in order to land at the airport.
It took a number of days in order to understand this sequence of events. The explanation involves knowledge of a wide range of subjects such as gravitation physics, hyperspace physics, wormhole electromagnetic theory and experimentation, quantum physics, and the nature of the human energy field.
It is obvious from the above scenario that the airplane momentarily crossing perpendicular to the road generates the aforementioned pulse. Because the airplane has an engine on each wing, there are two propellers which conceivably are rotating out-of-phase with each other. That is, the blade of one propeller could be pointing up and the equivalent blade on the other engine could be pointing in a slightly different direction. Notice that the tip of the blade traces out a helix as the plane is landing.
In gravitation physics, referring to FIG. 2, it is known that two masses of mass m1 and m2 (A,B) attached by lever arms slightly offset by an angle δθ along the radial direction to the rotating shaft (C), will produce a gravitational wave (D) traveling perpendicular to the shaft. The mass and wave are referred to as the source and receptor respectively. Referring to a side view looking along the shaft FIG. 3, the product of the mass m times the angular acceleration a is a constant such that m1 a 1 is equal to m2 a 2. The distance between the masses is length L, which makes an angle θ with the horizontal axis. The difference in time of travel to the receptor gives rise to a difference in phase δθ equal to the angular velocity ω of the rotating shaft times the length L times the cosine of the angle θ δθ=ωL cos(θ)
At the receptor, the amplitude of the wave is equal to the mass times the acceleration times the phase difference divided by the radius r to the receptor A = m 1 ⁢ a 1 r ⁢ δθ ≈ ( m ⁢   ⁢ ω ⁢   ⁢ L ⁢   ⁢ sin ⁡ ( θ ) r ) ⁢ ( ω ⁢   ⁢ L ⁢   ⁢ cos ⁡ ( θ ) ) = m ⁢   ⁢ ω 2 ⁢ L 2 ⁢ sin ⁡ ( 2 ⁢ θ ) r Even though the turboprop airplane engines have a high rotational speed and a large separation distance between masses, the gravitational wave which is produced is small and not noticed. The problem is that the gravitational constant G in this dimension has such a small value equal to the speed of light c squared divided by the linear mass Ω of the universe G = c 2 Ω = ( 299792458 ⁢   ⁢ m ⁢ / ⁢ s ) 2 1.346812891 · 10 27 ⁢   ⁢ kg ⁢ / ⁢ m = 6.673200002 · 10 - 11 ⁢   ⁢ m 3 kg ⁢   ⁢ s 2
On the other hand, a gravitational wave traveling in hyperspace would be magnified enormously due to the face that the linear mass is so small. The magnitude of the gravitational constant in hyperspace can be estimated in the following manner. At the beginning of the 20th century, a man's parents were dying of tuberculosis. With their permission, he placed them and their beds on weighing scales. When each one passed away, each scale registered a drop in mass equal to 0.071 kilograms. This is the mass of the hyperspace energy being which resides in the physical body. Because hyperspace is co-dimensional with our dimension, the energy being interpenetrates the body and controls its movement.
Referring to FIG. 4, a human being has seven vortices (A through G) which are aligned along the centerline of the body. Each vortex is actually a co-gravitational field K which causes a pendulum placed in the field to spin in circles. For this reason, the K field has units of inverse seconds similar to an angular velocity. The vortex transports energy from our dimension to the energy being located in hyperspace. The gravitational field g and the co-gravitational field K are equivalent gravitationally to the electric E field and the magnetic B field found in electromagnetism. The equivalent gravitational solution to an electromagnetic problem can be obtained by substituting the following gravitational constants for the electromagnetic constants Electromagnetic Gravitational q (charge) m (mass) ρ (volume charge density) ρ (volume mass density) σ (surface charge density) σ (surface mass density) λ (line charge density) λ (line mass density) J (convection current density) J (mass current density) E (electric field) g (gravitational field) B (magnetic field) K (co-gravitational field) ε0 (permittivity of space) −¼πG μ0 (permeability of space) −4πG/c2 −¼πε0 or −μ0 c2/4π G (gravitational constant)
Referring to FIG. 5, each vortex is connected through the pineal gland by light cords to a separate hyperspace quantum well having its own frequency and dimension. The reason for this separation is that the conical spiritual eye, attached to vortex B, has to have its own energy structure which is different from vortex (A) which is connected to the quantum energy field in which the mental processes are developed. Due to the high speed of light in our dimension, the quantum wells are the size appropriate to molecules and atoms. In hyperspace, where the speed of light is one meter per second, the quantum wells are huge and can be manipulated. This manipulation has shown that the quantum wells are in the shape of a cube about a meter on a side. This makes the whole structure about seven meters tall for a volume of seven cubic meters. Thus the mass density ρ of hyperspace is about ρ h = .071 ⁢   ⁢ kg 7 ⁢   ⁢ m 3 = .01 ⁢   ⁢ kg m 3 which per unit area is the same value. Therefore the hyperspace gravitational constant is equal to G h = c 2 Ω h = ( 1 ⁢   ⁢ m s ) 2 .01 ⁢   ⁢ kg ⁢ / ⁢ m = 100 ⁢   ⁢ m 3 kg ⁢   ⁢ s 2 The enormous magnification of the gravitational constant is therefore of the order of G h G = 100 6.6732 · 10 - 11 ≈ 1.5 · 10 12 The question is how does this amplified gravitational wave created by the rotating propellers and turbines get into hyperspace from our dimension?
The answer comes from experiments done using the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate the human body over six feet in the air. The internal temperature of the stomach is around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. By simultaneously squeezing the diaphragm to bring hot air up through the lungs, and breathing through the nose to bring cold air down, rotating vortices are generated in the lung passages when these two air masses meet and twist around each other as depicted in the famous Yin-Yang diagram. Because the lung has variable diameter passages from the large diameter at the throat to the final small air sacs, there is a spectrum of rotating frequencies.
From quantum physics it is known that if there is a temperature fluctuation occurring among a group of harmonic oscillators in the environment, then Planck's reduced constant Figure US20060071122A1-20060406-P00900 is increased by the cotangent of the constant times the frequency ω of the oscillator divided by twice Boltzmann's constant k times the temperature T ℏ = ℏ ⁢   ⁢ coth ⁡ ( ℏω n 2 ⁢ kT )
The effect of increasing Planck's constant, referring to FIG. 6, can be seen in the tetrahedron diagram. This diagram, of which there are now over 4000, plots the natural logarithm of mass on the vertical axis versus the natural logarithm of wavelength on the horizontal axis. In terms of mathematics, it is a subspace logarithmic manifold which projects geometrically the physics constants into our 4D spacetime dimension. That is, it is the geometry of the tetrahedron circumscribed by the sphere that determines the mass of the proton and electron. The mass of the electron times its wavelength is equal to the mass of the proton times its wavelength which in turn is equal to Planck's constant h divided by the speed of light c m e ⁢ λ e = m p ⁢ λ p = h c Taking the natural logarithm of the above equation shows that the mass plus the wavelength is equal to what is termed the base constant ln ⁡ ( m e ) + ln ⁡ ( λ e ) = ln ⁡ ( h c ) = - 95.91546344 which is represented in FIG. 6 by the 45 degree line (A) from point (a) on the horizontal axis to the vertical axis at point (b). The electron is located at point (c) which is the intersection of the electron wavelength (B) with line (A). The electron wavelength (B) reflects off the sphere (D) at points (d) and (e) and returns along line (C) as the electron mass. As shown in tetrahedron diagram tet0565, stored in the Library of Congress, the clockwise path of the electron transitions into the counter-clockwise path of the proton showing that the electron and proton are one and the same particle. Because the electron and proton travel in opposite directions along the path, they have the same charge but of opposite sign.
Our dimension is represented by Planck box (E) which is bounded by the Planck mass and the Planck wavelength. The Planck mass is equal to the linear mass of the universe times the Planck length which is the bottom limit of our dimension. The Planck wavelength is 2π times the Planck length. Notice that the electron is located within the Planck box.
Referring to FIG. 7, if there is an increase in Planck's constant due to the temperature fluctuations among the harmonic oscillators, the 45 degree base line (A) moves to the left on the tetrahedron diagram as shown by line (F). Because of the increase in the base constant, there is a corresponding increase in the electron mass and wavelength. The electron moves from point (c) to point (f) which places it at the edge of the Planck box (F) which is the boundary between space and hyperspace. At point (f), the electron is essentially no longer in our dimension.
Referring to FIG. 8, imagine a box (A) filled with nine electron oscillators (B). If Planck's constant is increased near the three oscillators in the middle, these electrons will leave this dimension. This leaves six oscillators as shown in the box (C). However, box (C) is the equivalent of box (D) in which there are still nine positive mass oscillators together with 3 negative mass oscillators. Thus there is an accumulation of negative energy (−ρ) when information is lost from the environment to another dimension.
Dr. Kip Thorne, who co-authored the book Gravitation with Dr. Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University, has shown in a General Relativity spacetime curvature calculation that negative energy is required to open and stabilize the throat of a wormhole between space and hyperspace. The accumulation of negative energy in the aforementioned example generates wormholes between into hyperspace. Hyperspace has a low energy density because of the reduced speed of light in that dimension. Ordinarily, energy would not flow from hyperspace to space because space has a higher potential than the potential of hyperspace. This, of course, is the reason that the body vortices can flow energy into the energy field of the human being who is located in hyperspace. By creating negative energy, the potential becomes reversed such that low density hyperspace energy flows into our dimension as seen by the positive head PE=ρ hyperspace−(−ρspace)=+2ρ The low-density energy fills the body which allows a human being to float upwards like a helium balloon as verified by Chi Kung breathing as well as spinning on a motorized platform known as the Chakra Vortex Accelerator. The latter device resulted in the first mechanical means to produce anti-gravity.
The process of creating spinning thermal fluctuations is the same as found in the hot air vortices created by the jet airplanes landing at the airport near the road where the full-body teleportation occurred. Large vortices are created over the wing of the airplane at the same time that the turbine engines are spinning hot vortices into relatively cold air. These conditions produce wormholes between space and hyperspace. It takes a twin turboprop airplane landing behind the jet to generate the gravitational wave in the region where the wormholes have formed. The gravitational wave then traverses the wormholes into hyperspace, becoming highly amplified due to the change in linear mass and speed of light. Because the propeller blades are co-linear with the road, the gravitational wave travels in the direction along the road where it was encountered by the inventor.
From experiments with cavitating bubbles (see patent application Cavitating Oil Hyperspace Energy Generator), it was found that it is possible to produce a wormhole if the surfaces of the bubble collapse asymmetrically. A symmetric collapse of a spherical bubble produces enormous spacetime curvature distortions. An asymmetric collapse, using a magnetic field to distort the collapse, produces, in addition to the same severe spacetime distortions, negative energy as the bubble collapses. Due to some General Relativity considerations, the wormhole that is created starts rotating in a manner similar to the beacon light produced by a lighthouse.
Referring to FIG. 9, due to the forward helical motion (A) of the propellers (B) as the airplane crosses the road, the pulsed gravitational wave (C) is skewed backward at an angle (D). Due to the wormholes created by the presence of thermal vorticity fluctuations generated by the wing and turbines of the airplane, this skewed wave moves into hyperspace where it is highly magnified and detected by the inventor.
Referring to top view FIG. 10, the gravitational wave (A) causes a skewed compression and expansion of the hyperspace quantum wells (B) which constitute the human energy being. Due to this asymmetric distortion in the xy-plane, the quantum wells take the physical body out of dimension as long as the wave pulse is traveling with the human energy field. Once the back edge of the gravitational wave moves on past the quantum wells, the body is then brought back into dimension.
It is the object of this invention to teleport a human being from one location to another by creating a pulsed gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace that asymmetrically compresses and expands the quantum wells of the human energy being. This spacetime curvature distortion of the hyperspace quantum wells pulls the physical body out of dimension such that the human being is teleported along with the wave. As the pulsed wave moves on past the quantum wells, the human is brought back into dimension at some distant location. The invention requires (1) a device that will generate a wormhole between space and hyperspace, and (2) a device that will generate a gravitational wave which can be inserted through the wormhole.
Referring to FIG. 11, a magnetic vortex wormhole generator has already been developed which generates a wormhole between space and hyperspace as described in a previous patent application entitled Magnetic Vortex Wormhole Generator. Using this generator, it was found that smoke blown through one side of the coil does not appear on the other side of cylindrical coil. The smoke flows through the wormhole and appears in a hyperspace co-dimension. It was this experiment that resulted in making first contact with the androids of the Grey aliens who told me, in a remote viewing session, that “We saw you blowing smoke into hyperspace.”
The wormhole generator consists of two concentric cylindrical coils (A,B), one of larger radius than the other, made of thin transformer iron laminate wrapped in opposite directions with one continuous wire driven by a sinusoidal current. The solenoidal coil generates a magnetic field through the laminate. Because the electrical current flows in opposite directions at different radii through the two windings, bucking electric fields (C) are created along the centerline of the generator. These radially-offset magnetic fields and bucking electric fields, as shown by a calculation using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, generate both an enormous spiking spacetime curvature and negative energy at small radius along the centerline where the wormhole is formed. The gravitational wave generator is then coupled to this wormhole generator.
Referring to FIG. 12, it is known from gravitation physics that injecting an electromagnetic wave (A) into a hollow toroidal waveguide (B) produces a hyperbolic spacetime curvature stress (C) in the plane of the waveguide. The tips of the arrows indicate compression and the tail of the arrows indicate expansion or stretching of spacetime. The reason for this spacetime curvature is because the waveguide forces the electromagnetic wave to curve around and travel in a circle. Spacetime has to compensate for this toroidal-generated stress by creating hyperbolic lines of stress in the inner plane of the toroid so that the overall spacetime curvature is zero. For a greater gravitational effect, three toroidal waveguides, phased 120 degrees apart, are used to seal off the curvature.
Referring to FIG. 13, the three toroids create a rotating, twisting, vertical propagating gravitational field (A) through the centerline of the toroids provided that the period of the electromagnetic wave is twice the period of the gravitational wave. This phase relationship is adjusted by selecting the correct radius for the frequency of the monochromatic wave.
In order to effectively use this gravitational wave, referring to FIG. 14, three phased toroidal waveguides (A,B) are mounted at the top of each of two identical square granite obelisks (C,D). The two obelisks are offset by a short distance between them. As the vertical gravitational wave rotates around along the vertical axis inside the obelisk, the edges of the square obelisks are compressed and expanded such as to create two cylindrical asymmetric gravitational waves traveling radially outward.
Referring to FIG. 15, these waves meet to form a plane gravitational wave (A) which travels down the centerline between the two obelisks.
Referring to FIG. 16, the full body teleportation system consists of the twin granite obelisks (A,B) on which are mounted near the top of each the toroidal waveguides (C,D) which produce the pulsed gravitational waves (E,F) that run the length of the obelisks. Because the gravitational wave is rotating inside the obelisk, the granite stone undergoes a very small asymmetrical compression and expansion. A cylindrical gravitational wave propagates out from each obelisk such that along the centerline between the two there is generated a plane gravitational wave. This wave enters the wormhole (H) created by the magnetic vortex generator which is located a short distance from and parallel to the obelisks. The wave is amplified by a factor of almost 10 13 when it enters the hyperspace co-dimension.
FIG. 1. Perspective view of site where full-body teleportation occurred.
FIG. 2. Perspective view of gravitational wave generator.
FIG. 3. Planar view of gravitational wave generator.
FIG. 4. Perspective view of seven vortices of human energy being.
FIG. 5. Perspective view of seven large quantum wells of human energy being.
FIG. 6. Tetrahedron diagram showing Planck's constant and electron.
FIG. 7. Tetrahedron diagram showing electron moving out of dimension.
FIG. 8. Perspective view showing production of negative energy.
FIG. 9. Perspective view of skewed gravitational wave produced by propellers.
FIG. 10. Planar view of skewed quantum wells deformed by gravitational wave.
FIG. 11. Perspective view of magnetic vortex wormhole generator.
FIG. 12. Perspective view of hyperbolic lines of stress generated by toroidal wave guide.
FIG. 13. Perspective view of rotating, twisting, propagating gravitational wave generated by toroidal waveguides.
FIG. 14. Perspective view of toroidal waveguides attached to obelisks.
FIG. 15. Perspective view of gravitational wave generated by obelisks.
FIG. 16. Perspective view of magnetic vortex wormhole generator and obelisk gravitational wave generator.
1. The obelisks are quarried out of granite stone and cut with a large-diameter diamond saw that is used in highway construction. The beveled piece at the top is cut separately and cemented in place. A tapered aluminum bracket holds the toroids in place. 2. The electronics for the magnetic vortex generator are similar to that used in the patent application Magnetic Vortex Wormhole Generator. 3. The electronics for the toroidal waveguides is the familiar stub and coaxial cable driven by an amplifier and pulsed variable-frequency generator.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


AWLC Laboratory
Protein and Minerals for Plants
We know basic to see what is good or bad in our food after we compare the taste,color,mass or form on our veggies or fructs, meat or bred but just some people understand exacly how to benefit from composting the food in best way. Most of the time we understand and see others how to compost leafs in there gardens or tree brances.Your left overs from table are in fact the protein and mineral source for your garden. No need to add more chimicals or special laboratory coctails to grow fast your plants from home and garden. In homes the pet plants are basic in poor soil in there containers. The left overs from house like veggies peals,fructs , egg shales or parts from your food source what you throw away day by day can be the best source for nutrients for your plants in homes and garden. The Compost meens to make one rich soil from biologic material from your garden but one day on your saturday or sunday you can inrich your plants soil whit Nutritive Protein and minerals shaike from left overs of your day. Just mix in one low cost mixer ownd or buiet whit second hand use ,all yours biologic food left overs and put this milkshaike on the roots of your home plants or spred that in your garden. You can store this left overs in jars of 2000ml minim and fill whit water in the momment of mixing. Most of the time after 15 days or les you can see the diference betwin what you havt first time and the new plants what you will have after this treatment. Growing more fast in one rich nutritive soil you will benefit of more oxigen in your house plus more clean and parfumated air of that place. The surplus of this nutritive shaike you can spred over soil of one tree in parks or over some corner in your garden. Important is to not throw away on the garbage can your biodergradable left overs. Indiferent what you have in heands in that momment from meat or veggies are good for that shake. In short time your garden or home pet plants will show you results of your work. We do not recommand to use chimicals to poison your soil and kill the plants whit the laboratory cocktails.Keep the biomass in one jar whit water after you mix in blender. The keeping time can exid 10 days or more.
Nutritive Biomass
Biomass Shake
This little care over plants and veggies garden will give you more good things and maybe will save money if you do that constant.Stay wise and healthy.
Tips for People from Australia
Spred this kind of compost shake over burned zones and you can help the nature to boost plants growing rate back to normal.Many trees or plants are burned but not dead and mixing dead biomass from surface of soil whit this shake the mother nature will grow faster back to normal.In maxim 30 days will begin regenerate all life on earth if each individ help in this way the nature to regenerate her powers.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Cannabis Oil
Fighting man made cancer is hard and not many meds from Big Pharma treat efficient this change in human cells of our body. Today we will present one of the best recept to do at home in Laboratory way to have benefit of the best THC in your oil. Are many recepts on internet but we try to pic one of the best conform our experiments and logic people what help other sick people to bring back there health. The best THC oil is one what have more then 60% of THC in and making at home plus using best parts of the plant material you can acive this procent easy for home nobody combinate the oil whit something else. Need some little investment what will bring profit in time if you use that corect on your chicken. Please be patient and work in totall clean place and use items what are cleaned. We will update this post whit all what you need to use in that process and are graded like laboratory use items. Helping people to understand what is THC Oil and how to be used is more beter then Big Pharma Laboratory Drogs what have no effect or just keep you going on whit out improve your condition or heal your problem.
Concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as Cannabis oilsbecause of their sticky and viscous appearance, are becoming increasingly popular among self-medicating patients as a claimed cure for cancer. In general, preparation methods for Cannabis oils are relatively simple and do not re-quire particular instruments. The most well-known example of such a product is called ‘Simpson oil’. The purpose of the extraction, often followed by a solvent evaporation step, is to make canna-binoids and other beneficial components such as terpenes available in a highly concentrated form. Although various preparation methods have been recommended for Cannabis oils, so far no stud-ies have reported on the chemical composition of such products.Recognizing the need for more information on quality and safety issues regarding Cannabis oils, an analytical study was performed to compare several generally used preparation methods on the basis of content of cannabinoids, terpenes, and residual solvent components. Solvents usedinclude ethanol, naphtha, petroleum ether, and olive oil. The obtained results are not intended to support or deny the therapeutic properties of these products, but may be useful for better understanding the experiences of self-medicating patients throughchemical analysis of this popular medicine.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Morgellons Fibers in Bodycare products from RadissonChain - ARCHIVE

AWLC Laboratory
Archive 2018
Radisson Chain have one distribuitor for there free bodycare products from rooms what have contracts whit many wird parteners what make this kind of Chemic compounds. Like we gain info iver Sysco Guest Supply what is one strategic partener in Agenda 2030 for the Depopulation programm we find this in there bodycare products. After we whant to see the last papper from the laboratory analys of this products from Radisson Chain our members what havt the good intentions to inform and put on minim the rist of infestation of people whit Morgellons Fibers Parasit , was bann to came in Radisson hotells. In this situation we will put to the large public our findings and who whants to have proff of there infections whit this kind of fibers plz write to us to send the proffs for court. Millions of people are infected whit intention and all alarm signs are baried in threts.
Product found whit Morgellons Fibers
Bath Salts - Sysco Guest Supply ( UK )
Microscope fidings:
Many products from service industry are not healthy and cancer open projects for people. All chains hide this things for the profit of there pockets are more up then the ideea of your health. All pictures are free to download and save or share. Our research can be part from other research in this domain and maybe we bring down the rats of Agenda 2030We wander if they hided all or fix there problems?.
Stay awake!
Expect US!