Many People Write to us about how to stop the Morgellons Fibers to Attack the People or to clean the skin if you are in contact whit this parasit.
Well first we mast speak about how you can contact this parasit and how he or she affect you in life. To now all researchers are agree whit one thing: Morgellons Fibers are in fact one parasit and not one bacteria or cell. Think about alive micro organism around you. We can compare this parasit whit one earth worm from your garden but is more simple then you think.
Basic this parasit look after places what he can stay like sponge things around us. Think about your skin or all sponge textures around you.
in fact he is innofensive to the human body and just our imunnity system fight to him to take out this parasit from the skin. What we see like the Fibromalagia desisses is just the reaction of the body in the war whit this parasit. Our imunnity system try to push out this parasit on the same door what he used to go in so the reactions of the skin or the body are many and diferit. The danger over that is just the low imonno system what cant fight whit this parasit and in time the hoast will be affected by the growing parasit. What is important to know like basic for normal people is not what to take to defend our selfs over the attack of this parasit but how to eat and stay healthy to have one Imunno system strong to throw away this parasit.
Like we see in media ( gov one ) and Alternative one many try to give remedy to this "Unknown" C.I.A.- Monsanto BioLabGmParasit what basic is so simple then we are amased by how he works and stay alive. He/She dont need air to survive and his moves are just simple survive moves to look one place to stay. Basic he guide himself by the magnetic fields around him. Nothing more so all what have low magnetic filds or produce one magnetic fild can be hoast for this parasit. No need meds from Big Pharma to bring down this Magnetic Parasit but just the low toy or Refrigirater magnets like 10 or 20 to take out this parasit from your skin.
This is just one simple local remedy but for long time remedy is what you do or eat in your life. No procesed food whit negative chemicals mast be in your body for he run away from Alcalinic mediums what have plus magnetic fields ( he survive in negativ magnetic medium most ). So if you eat junk procecssed food you are the right medium whit hight potential to be ideal hoast for this US patent lab Parasit. If you eat and take care about your body and imunno system to be strong you will not be one proper hoast for this Lab Parasit or you will have visitors but for low period of time for they will go out alone from your skin or they will not go in if are on your skin.
Important thing is to balance the Iodine from your food. Organic one not industrial. Sea Salt or SeaWeed are most fighters against this parasit and logic one active strong life to strong your imunnity system is more then recommanded.
For this Parasit is spred in all medium like Geoengineering Proramm ,Agenda 2030,bodycare products ,Idustrial Food ( Fast food and industry food ), Big Pharma meds have inside the parasits too and nothing can help you to not contact this parasit, you mast defend your self in time what you fight to bring down the Psihopats from industry or governments or the bank system what alow whit intentions to hapen this things.
More info we will upgrade in time in this problem. Al Pictures and info what we provide in this content are free to download and use in your own research like your own material. Feel free to share,copy or use what we give to bring the good for our Planet!
Stay Strong and Healthy! Expect Us!
How look one parasit?
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